“As an Eating Disorder Professional, I know that many of my clients that are in treatment for Anorexia, Bulimia, Bulimarexia, Binge Eating Disorder or Obesity are overwhelmed by all the information in the news about our health. In hopes of relieving some of the stress this can inflict on both my patients and readers, I’ve highlighted some of the weekly health news that was of particular interest to all of us at The Norton Center for Eating Disorders and Obesity. From my eating disorder and obesity treatment center in Cincinnati, here is your weekly news update for the week of April 27th-May 3rd.“
NEWS: Ask Well: Do Microwaves Degrade Food Nutrients?
Are there any good quality studies regarding loss of nutrients due to heating (not cooking) food in a microwave? LEARN MORE
NEWS: What to Tell Your Daughter about Her Weight
I remember the first time I heard that I was going to have a baby boy. There was a part of me that felt immediate relief that my baby wasn’t going to be a girl. It was the part of me that spent hours each day as a researcher studying weight management, body image, and disordered eating. I knew, with a son, that it was less likely that these issues would affect my child. LEARN MORE
NEWS: Kraft to Overhaul Mac & Cheese, Remove Artificial Dyes and Preservatives
Good news this week. On Monday, Kraft announced that it will be removing artificial ingredients from its iconic Mac and Cheese line of products in the US by January 2016. Changes in consumer awareness and a preference for more natural and healthy foods are forcing the largest food companies in America to improve their offering or see sales decline. LEARN MORE
NEWS: 8 Things to Know About the Humble Pea
Peas, of the legume family, are not a sexy food. They are, however, tasty and packed with nutrients. Here’s what you need to know: LEARN MORE
NEWS: Leaky gut syndrome, Candida, and autoimmune disease
Candida is not inherently bad, but when left unchecked, when it takes over the gut and is allowed to flourish, it will damage the intestinal wall. Then Candida, along with other microbes, will migrate outside of the intestinal tract and into the body, flourishing everywhere, fed by all the sugars and damaged cells that are also entering the bloodstream. The immune system will react to the Candida (and gluten, with those two similar proteins) as it should, fighting invading pathogens that do not belong in the blood. LEARN MORE
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The post News You Can Use-Week of April 26th-May 3rd, 2015 appeared first on Eating Disorder Pro.