“As an Eating Disorder Professional, I know that many of my clients that are in treatment for Anorexia, Bulimia, Bulimarexia, Binge Eating Disorder or Obesity are overwhelmed by all the information in the news about our health. In hopes of relieving some of the stress this can inflict on both my patients and readers, I’ve highlighted some of the weekly health news that was of particular interest to all of us at The Norton Center for Eating Disorders and Obesity. From my eating disorder and obesity treatment center in Cincinnati, here is your weekly news update for the week of August 3rd-August 9th, 2015.
NEWS: Why Coconut Oil Trumps Vegetable Oil
Every time we cover research indicating that fat hurts your body, the immediate response is, “What about coconut oil?!” Now, we have a great answer for you: Yes, it is a better option than the fats you’ll usually find lurking in processed food, according to University of California, Riverside researchers. LEARN MORE
NEWS: 5 Ways to Celebrate Your Body Today
I know at times it’s tough to appreciate your body for its true brilliance and to celebrate all that it does for you. As I outline in Whole Body Intelligence, you may have concerns about how it looks, or you may not like how it performs in certain situations, or possibly not like it because of pain you feel from living in it. LEARN MORE
NEWS: 20 Names for Nasty MSG
Food manufacturers just love it when you can’t stop with a single serving. For them, it is the sound of cash registers ringing in sales. But what does this mean to us? It means that somehow the food is now in control. Somehow it has been manipulated to cause you to overeat. LEARN MORE
NEWS: 10 Reasons to Avoid Toxic High-Fructose Corn Syrup
High-fructose corn syrup is a sugar that begins as a corn starch and through processing becomes a very sweet syrup. Processing the corn converts glucose into fructose, creating a very concentrated sugar. While table sugar and HFCS have molecular similarities, the way the human body processes HFCS can lead to many health problems. High-fructose corn syrup is destroying both the bodies of humans and the honey bees. LEARN MORE
NEWS: The Top Reasons to Avoid MSG: An Industry Secret Ingredient For Food Addiction
Most people have seen signs in Chinese and other restaurants proclaiming that their food is “MSG free” or a note on the menu letting diners know that is it possible to have their food prepared without monosodium glutamate. One of the big reasons that consumers became aware of this artificial ingredient that is widespread in the food industry is that there have been cases of people having severe – and sometimes even fatal – allergic reactions to it. Once a few horror story of diners going into anaphylactic shock in the middle of the meal reached the media, the public in general became much more aware of the potential threat that MSG can pose. However, as serious as the possibility for a reaction is, it is not the only danger of MSG. Read on to find out more about its role in food addiction and why the food industry continues to use it. LEARN MORE
NEWS: Dealing With Teens’ Weight and Shape Issues
“Dad, am I fat?” asked my daughter when she was 13 years old, as she stared at her middle in the mirror. I would sigh to myself, when I heard that often-repeated question. If I said no, she would tell me that I was lying because I’m her father. If I said yes, then I have sentenced her to the worst fate of adolescence — “fathood.” LEARN MORE
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The post News You Can Use Week of August 3rd-9th appeared first on Eating Disorder Pro.